The Abu Hejleh Homepage

This website is devoted to the family name Hejleh. It is frequently written Hijleh and sometimes Hegleh, Higleh, Higley or Hijla.
This page has and will have personal links to family members, Palestinian & Arab related sites. It will be dedicated to the
ABU HEJLEH family members and anything connected to them such as villages, articles, history ....

All is done for the sake of your possible wish to learn more about your own roots, and persons who share with you common ancestors.
If you have more information or wish to make any correction, please

Hejleh Group Ma3an

Pages on this site

Hejleh Family Tree The main branches of the family


Special Links

Al-Najah National University - Nablus

Webmaster's Page

Includes index to:

Family Tree   Arab Countries   Western Australia   Companies   CdPasha    

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(C)Copyright 1997-2024 Mazen Hejleh. All rights reserved.